Monday, December 31, 2007

New Christians

On the Feast of the Holy Family, we baptized twenty-five infants and young children and welcomed them into the Church. The pictures are of the liturgy which followed the 11:30 am liturgy. Truly a great way to end the year and to welcome the New Year. Three of us celebrated the sacrament and it was wonderful to be with the families. This was the largest group they have had at St. Ignatius. The families are well prepared by a lay leader who has the responsibility for this ministry. These new folks join the twenty adults who professed their faith on Christmas Eve.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Yesterday I had the opportunity to witness my first marriage in Zambia. In many ways the celebration was similiar to US weddings. The bride wore a beautiful wedding gown and was accompanied by bridesmaids in beautiful gowns. The groom was formally dressed and the groomsmen wore matching traditional shirts. The bride arrived appropriately late (but fortunately, not as late as some; this was only forty-five minutes late). The wedding procession was somewhat chaotic until the bride entered with her uncle.

The couple were quite nervous, so I made it a goal to get them to smile; and finally, I was successful. The music was beautiful and in Bemba by a local church choir. Following the vows, family matrons bring forward gifts from the couple for the church (potatoes, fruit, flower, a cake). At the conclusion of the Mass, the couple and their sponsors (much like hispanic weddings) come to the altar for the signing of the wedding papers.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Catholic Apostolic National Church of Zambia

A post-Christmas news item: A splinter church called the Catholic Apostolic National Church of Zambia has been launched with Archbishop-elect, Luciano Mbewe, calling for more priests to join the church and fulfill their God-given role by marrying. Archbishop Mbewe said during the launch of the new church which has strong links with excommunicated prelate Emmanuel Milingo that the hour had come for priests in the Roman Catholic Church to start marrying and taking care of their forsaken children. He said profound pain and suffering had been caused to priests as a result of celibacy and that most of this pain and suffering was uncalled for. Archbishop Mbewe said the celibacy issue had led to some priests contracting HIV/AIDs.

Some may be aware of Milingo, the former Archbishop of Lusaka. He made the news when Rev. Moon of the Unification Church chose a bride for him and married him in one of the Unification ceremonies. At one point he rejected the marriage, but has reclaimed his bride and moved forward with plans for the new church.

As far as we can tell from the newspapers, the movement has little interest from the people in the pews. The day will come for married priests, but break-away churches are not the effective means. Especially when the new church mirrors all the old church in everything but celibacy.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas decorations

The pictures show the crib and the Christmas flowers, both were beautiful. The crib was handcarved from African woods and is stunning. A woman in the parish supervises the flower arranging and they are always beautiful. There are large greenhouses near Lusaka where they grow flowers for export.

Christmas Pictures

St. Ignatius celebrated is golden jubilee on Christmas Eve. The pictures shows a listing of the parish priests who served over the years. The parish recognized one woman who has been a parish member for all fifty years.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas in Zambia

Merry Christmas from Zambia! It is now Christmas Eve morning and while the day will be quiet, it means we are getting ready for the liturgies. During the Christmas Eve Mass more than twenty adults will be received into the Church. I know that the Church will be packed for all the liturgies. One of the gifts of being in Zambia is to experience the vibrancy of the faith.
Please know that I will be remembering my friends and remembering all the people, communities and places where I have celebrated Christmas Mass in the past: Sacred Heart in Bellevue, Jesuit High in Portland, St. Charles in Salmon and the times with families and friends.
I pray that the birth of Christ will bring greater peace to our world. At each Mass in Zambia, the community joins the priest for the prayer before the greeting of peace. May you know peace and may we all work to make our world more peaceable.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Concert

I just returned for the Christmas Concert/Pagent. The choir did a great job and it did give me a good taste of the holiday spirit. For years I have had Christmas customs, in Seattle it was the Black Nativity and the SU Christmas Concert and in Portland it was the Singing Christmas Tree. So the opportunity to experience this event at the parish was a real gift. The choir will perform it tomorrow evening and it should be on ZNBC, the national network, on Christmas Day. The Papal Nuncio attended this evening as well the CRS Director for the Southern Africa region. It was fun to watch the kids perform the African carols with drum accompaniment.

Christmas Turkey

While I was out for a walk this morning, I came upon this turkey hen (three chicks are nearby) wandering about the grounds of a local telephone company business lodge. She exhibited great confidence that she would not come under the axe for the holiday.

Some Christmas Images

Friday, December 21, 2007

Southern Hemisphere Solstice

The summer solstice is here. I am having two longest days of the year in 2007. I have noticed the difference as there is about an hour’s difference between the longest and the shortest days in Zambia. Today has been a full day at the parish. Two weddings and a funeral in addition to the two scheduled Masses and a Small Christian Community also has their Advent Mass tonight.
I did the funeral for a commander in the Lusaka police force. There were many policemen attending the service and the first funeral with a police escort. The wife was a member of the Adventist Church and their women all wore blue and white. We rushed the funeral a bit to accommodate the wedding, but the bride was a full two hours late. So much for the solstice being used for time.

Christmas Decorations

Posted by PicasaPictured is the Christmas tree in the Jesuit recreation room at St. Ignatius. The children's choir presents their concert on Saturday and Sunday. I hope to get some pictures of the concert. There are over fifty young people in the choir and a chime/bell choir consisting of the little ones. It will be an amazing celebration. I will add more to the blog in the next few days.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

St. Francis Xavier Novitiate, Lusaka

The pictures show the novitiate grounds. The picture of the tree shows weaver bird nests. The birds are bright yellow and build nests by weaving grasses into a nest that is entered from the bottom. The middle picture is of the courtyard looking toward the dining room and novice recreation room. The final picture shows the courtyard off the dining room. The novitiate consists of wings seven wings that surround three courtyards. The grounds are well-kept and there are potted plants on all the walkways.


After the first rains have moistened the soil the "chongololo" emerges. The pictured one visited my room and I discovered that they were quite adapt at crawling under a door. Behind a pair of probing antennae, a long, shiny, red-black, worm-like cylinder slithers slowly to the surface. Two groups, or clusters, of simple eyes swivel in search of rapacious predators. The chongololo is also known as the Giant African Millipede, and can grow to a full eight inches with 70 body segments with two pairs of legs on each for a total of 280 feet. To manage motion the chongololo moves the limbs forward in groups of five or six pairs at a time. The critter does not bite and has blunt teeth for grinding plant material. When touched the animal recoils and when alarmed creates stink.

An example of the many interesting insects that are abundant in Zambia. I mentioned that some insects are also a source of human protein. Caterpillars were on the menu as we concluded the retreat, but I passed. They were very popular with the novices, but the novices favored having them fried rather than with a sauce. Pretzel like is best.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I think that I am correct in judging this as a pomegranate. They have a tree at Luwisha House and also one here at the Novitiate. Somehow, I do not think that it will be ripe during my time. The novitiate grounds were an old farm and they have avocados, mangos, papayas and great small bananas. We are entering mango season and so we get fresh mango at least once a day.

Jesuit Novices vs. Comboni Novices

The novices have soccer games with other novitiates. This match is with the Comboni novices (yellow) and the Jesuits (purple) lost 3-2. The Comboni were founded by Italian missionaries with a mission of Africa for Africa. The Zambia novitiate draws men from throughout English speaking Africa.

Rainy Season

The rainy season is here. We just had a sudden, heavy downpour that last about a half-hour. Now the sun is out and the steam is rising. The rains have direct effect on the insects and the termites and ants do not like their nests disturbed. The line in last Sunday's reading about John the Baptist surviving on locusts and wild honey would not seem odd here. People look forward to the rains so they can gather the termites and remove their wings and cook them. I have also heard of the caterpillar delicacies, but termites nor caterpillars have yet to touch my lips.

The novitiate has a large compound and good sized gardens in addition to the land that is farmed by some of the people living and working at the novitiate. People are grateful for the rain and have been planting and working their fields. Last year Zambia had an excellent maize crop and was able to export food.

The retreat concludes on Monday morning and I will return to St. Ignatius. The next project is a two-day workshop on spiritual leadership in early January. I may have mentioned this, but I get to work with an outstanding woman, Josephine Lungu on that workshop. It will be fun to work with her.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Retreats and Recollections

The picture is of the CLC members who renewed or made their commitments to Ignatian Spirituality and to CLC. CLC is a world-wide movement with deep and long Jesuit roots
and is quite active in Zambia. It is present in various places in the United States but not as strong as it is in other parts of the world. Jim McGloin, SJ is the Zambian moderator and asked me to give them a day of recollection. Jim and I entered Gonzaga together in 1962 so we have known each other for a long time. The retreat went well and it was good to be with this outstanding group.

I am at the novitiate compound on the outskirts of Lusaka. Last night we began the Province retreat for eight Jesuits who wanted a privately directed retreat. I give a conference each day and then see the men who want individual direction. The retreat reflects the diversity of this province with 2 Zambians, 2 Americans, 2 Poles, 1 Indian and 1 Irishman. One of the gifts is directing Bert Otten, SJ, who retired from Seattle University to come to Zambia to work in appropriate technology.

The novitiate, the infirmary, the library and the archives are all located in separate buildings in the compound. I am living in the infirmary in a true luxury room with its own bathroom. We eat with the novitiate community and I have a chance to get to know them. There are eighteen novices in the two years and they come from Zambia/Malawi Province and the Zimbabwe Province. We had an interesting dinner conversation talking about the Iraq War, the Zimbabwe situation and more. The novices are impressive. There could easily be a day when we will have a reverse in the missionary spirit

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Communion


Yesterday, I gave a day of recollection for a Come & See program at the Jesuit Novitiate in Lusaka. Fifteen men participated in the Come & See and over half expressed a serious desire to join the Jesuits. The men ranged in age from grade 11 in high school to college graduates. The quiet and recollection began the program and when we finished the candidates joined the fifteen novices for two more days of conversation and come and see. The candidates were very serious when we met and strictly observed silence so it was difficult to read faces for any reactions to the talks. However, by the end of the day, the smiles returned and I know that they were ready to join the novices to ask the "real" questions of religious life.

During the Mass, I invited the men to share their reflections on the experience and it was very rewarding to hear their insights and the commitment that they had to following Christ. The Society is very alive in Africa and I am grateful for this opportunity. It was a good experience to be in a room with over thirty young men interested in the Jesuits and our way of life. And as I mentioned the smiles returned during the sharing.

At the conclusion of Mass I opened it up for questions that they might have for me. They asked questions about vocations in the United States. And perhaps the most challenging question was about the Iraq war and why the Church in the United States was not more critical. It was difficult to answer, because the press does not carry the statements of the Bishops that speak strongly against the war. I tried to answer, but I am afraid I did not come up with a good answer. I am aware that people like people from the United States, but they do not understand the ways of our government. It is also interesting to note that the Church and the Society are more influential in Zambia than they are in the United States.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cathedral Pictures

The ambo reflects the role of drums in the local culture. The Cathedral from the side, which does not adequately show its size, which I would imagine holds 700 to 1000 people. The final picture is a detail from the copper (major Zambian export) doors.

One Month in Zambia

Hard to believe that it is December 1. I read of snow in the Northwest and then I realize that I am south of the equator, in Zambia. As we enter into the season of hope, I am grateful for the experience that I am enjoying. It is hard to believe that I have been here a month.

Last evening we had a community discussion in preparation for the General Congregation on the theme of Jesuit community life. I am fortunate to live in a happy, hospitable and grateful community of companions and friends; and I am also fortunate to have come from the same in Seattle. The men talked about the hope that they have in the young Zambians who are assuming the responsibility of leadership in community and in the apostolate. It is a hopeful time.

This weekend is very full. I am doing the end of the year Mass for the young people who have participated in the Saturday catechetical program. Later in the day, there is a wedding, a funeral of a parishioner who was also the President’s cardiologist (so the President will be here), practice for first communions (tomorrow) and a memorial Mass. And that is all before the Advent Masses begin.

Last week I had a chance to visit the Cathedral on the Child Jesus. It is a modern facility located in Pope Square. The square contains the Cathedral and all the chancery offices. I attached a picture of the copper doors on the front of the Cathedral

Friday, November 30, 2007

Additional Faces of AIDS

The upper picture is from St. Aloysius Gonzaga High School, a Jesuit secondary school for AIDS orphans in the largest compound in Africa. They estimate 30,000 students of secondary school age in the Nairobi compound and many of these are single or double orphans. Janet Quillian and I visited the school in February of this past year. The school is serving over 300 students and they hope to expand. The school is based on the Christo Rey model, which places students with employers who help pay the cost of education and provide the students with work experience.

The second picture is from Ndola, Zambia and reflects the work of CRS and the Diocese of Ndola in home-based health care. The young woman is an orphan caring for four sibilings. The two women on the outside are volunteers who visit the orphan's homes. The woman in the center is the social worker in charge of the project. Poverty is a challenge in the compounds for many people live hand to mouth with little ability to look to the future.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

AIDS Patron Saints

The patron saints of AIDS are Blessed Anuarite Nengapeta, a young Sister of the Holy Family d’Isiro-Wamba and a midwife who was murdered resisting the sexual demands of a rebel leader in the Congo in 1964 and St Aloysius Gonzaga, a young Jesuit who selflessly gave his life caring for victims of the deadly plague in Rome in 1591. The artistic rendition above is located at the AJAN (Africa Jesuit Aids Network) in Nairobi, Kenya and was created by a Jesuit.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

AIDS & Advent

(A reflection from my homily for the 1st Sunday in Advent)

December 1 is World’s AIDS day. Advent provides a way to look at the reality of AIDS in our world, for Advent is a season of hope and a season of new vision. When we live with something for a long time, there is a danger that we can lose hope and fail to see possibilities. The reality of AIDS in our world can lead us into darkness and desolation but we need to remember that God does not want this disease. God does not want people to suffer and God does not punish people with sickness and death.

The prophet Isaiah gives a vision of hope and guidance for a people in desperate times. God calls us fervently to see that this is not a time of judgment or a time to remind blind. Rather, Isaiah’s vision of peace urges us into action, to become instruments of healing and advocacy, of compassion and justice, maybe as never before.

We believe in a God whose justice decries each act of violence and discrimination, whose heart breaks with illness and pain, and who weeps with each one that dies. God urges us to open our eyes to fresh possibilities, to beat the weapons of stigma and intolerance into instruments of understanding, compassion and care.

God works in the midst of darkness calling us to become the human family we were created to be. In the face of sorrow, pain and loss, God calls us to see more fully that we are one family, one creation, and one body. As brothers and sisters, we are the Body of Christ and the Body of Christ has AIDS.

World AIDS Day - December 1

CONTEXT. Zambia's first reported AIDS diagnosis in 1984 was followed by a rapid rise in HIV prevalence (that is, the proportion of people who are living with HIV). At the end of 2005, UNAIDS/WHO estimates that 17% of people aged 15-49 years old were living with HIV or AIDS. Of these million adults, 57% were women. Young women aged 15-19 are around six times more likely to be infected than are males of the same age. Unlike in some countries, HIV in Zambia is not primarily a disease of the most underprivileged; infection rates are very high among wealthier people and the better educated. However, it is the poorest who are least able to protect themselves from HIV or to cope with the impact of AIDS. A little under 40% of Zambians live in towns or cities, and HIV prevalence is considerably higher in these urban areas than elsewhere. It has been estimated that urban areas contain 54% of all adults living with HIV or AIDS.

STIGMA. Because HIV can be sexually transmitted, it is often presumed that those living with the virus have brought disease upon themselves by having many sexual partners, and moral judgments are made. Women are especially vulnerable to this prejudice, and they may also be blamed for infecting their children (even though the father is often the first to be infected).
Stigma does not just cause pain to individuals, but also hampers prevention and care programs. Those who fear becoming stigmatized will be unwilling to volunteer for an HIV test; even purchasing condoms or discussing safer sex may be seen as an indication of infection and so be stigmatized. People who know or suspect that they are HIV-positive may be reluctant to reveal their status - even to their partners and family - or to come forward for treatment.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Waiting in Line

Bureaucracies are the same world-wide. I need to renew my visitor’s visa on a monthly basis. I entered on November 1, and because another Jesuit was going to immigration, I thought I would tag along. The first office did not renew visitor’s visas so we went to another location. Patiently I waited in queue with the other people, only to find out that I was too early, because they were only renewing for November now. I could come back on Friday or Monday. But the waiting time provided me a good opportunity to do some people watching. A few observations: everyone seems to have a cell-phone; waiting and queuing is the name of the game and people are very patient; smoking is not that obvious and like the rest of the world, one doesn’t smoke in public places; and even though you think that no one knows you, you can always be surprised. As I was sitting outside the Public Services building waiting for a ride, a woman greets me, Hello Father.” It is not that I stand out, but there are not that many white people in downtown Lusaka. Once again, I was struck by the friendliness of the people. My guide through the immigration process was Ken Johnson, a Jesuit surgeon, who works at a hospital in Choma. He is a member of the Southern Province via Chicago. He was in Lusaka on his return from a Jesuit AIDS gathering in Zimbabwe.
I have a funeral this morning and then I will work on the coming "Come & See" vocation day of recollection connected with the novitiate visit of 12 candidates, the first Sunday of Advent and other odds and ends. I saw my first Advent wreath and it was made from cedar boughs.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pilgrimage Day

Today I joined members of the parish at the National Marian Shrine on the outskirts of Lusaka for their annual pilgrimage.

We joined the Cathedral and Good Shepherd parishes for the event, which drew about 300 pilgrims. A committee from each parish organizes the event which includes rosary, confessions, Eucharist and benediction. The highlights for me were the music and the dancing. Two parishes provided choirs that sang well-known vernacular hymns. During the liturgy there were a number of processions which also featured dances by two groups of young women. And of course, each activity had a homily. Efficient Americans would begin fidgiting before the homily as the liturgy lasted more than two hours.

The shrine is located on a large piece of property and is still being developed. There is a large church on the property that is not completed, and the goal is to raise more money to finish the shrine. The service was in an covered out-door auditorium. The picture shows the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I was fascinated by the folk art that surrounded the auditorium, below are some of the illustrations are from the life of Mary. Some of the illustrations are painted on tree trunks.

Wedding Feast at Cana

Assumption of Mary

Art from the Marian Shrine - Flight into Egypt

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving: Gratitude and Food

Happy Thanksgiving! While the feasting may not be the same as you are experiencing, the feelings of gratitude are very present. Two thoughts in this entry: food and gratitude.

The food at St. Ignatius is outstanding. The house is staffed by a housekeeper and a cook and both provide very good meals. The breakfast meal is simple but there is always fresh fruit, dry cereal, and porridge. The coffee is very good, and while it is instant, it surpasses what I have experienced in the states. Sunday is special with pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage.

The mid-day meal (1:00 pm) always has soup. Like most families the lunch meal features left-overs. But again, there is always fresh fruit. The table has a number of spices not seen at Arrupe, Peri Peri sauce and various chili sauces.

The evening meal (6:30 pm) is more elaborate and generally has a meat course, fresh-cooked vegetables, cooked greens, potatoes (we are a little Irish) nishima (we are Zambian) fresh fruit, ice-cream and cake round out the dinner.

There have been a few surprises, but none too great. We have had liver, tongue, and gizzards (peanut butter is always available). The fish is quite good though there are a few surprises including kapenta is a small (2 inch) dried fish that is served in sauce and eaten whole.
We have had some game as well. Nishima is the national dish and is eaten for most meals. It is a white boiled corn meal that is augmented by the various sauces or gravies. The Zambians eat it by rolling it into a ball and then using it to gather other foods. We have had some celebratory meals that are really mixed grills with chicken, beef and sausages.

As we approach Thanksgiving and the Advent season, I am very grateful. This is a bittersweet time as I recall the death of my Mother on Thanksgiving eight years ago. But I am blessed with good memories of Mother and the knowledge that she enjoys the fullness of life.

As I look back on the past year, I am so appreciative of the gift of good friends, of the gifts of healing and reconciliation and the realization that my life is rich with meaning. I will thank God on Thanksgiving Day and remember you in my prayers.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Traditional Medicine

Traditional healers are part of the culture of Zambia, particularly in the rural areas. However, because people have moved to the urban center, some enterprising healers have set up practice and advertize in the newspapers.

Traditional medicine at work Problem! Problem! Manhood extension, marital, impotence, fibroids, infertility, employment, court cases, low sperm count, sport, stomach pains, hiccups, prolonged periods or no periods, backaches, swelling of the testicles, miscarriages, swelling stomach or legs, promotions, skin diseases, protection of properties, treated lucky jewelry and protection, no sexual feelings, runaway husbands or wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, stolen or lost properties and many more. Contact the Specialist Doctor Cholembedwa.

They promise nearly the same cures that one gets from the spam producers on the internet.
But it is interesting to note that some of the traditional medicine healers have an awareness of the herbs and materials that do prove to be helpful in treating disease. In this way we can learn from the traditions. I am using a Colombian recommendation regarding B12 to deter mosquitoes, and thus far I have not been bitten.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Parish Ministry

I am getting a few more calls this week, as the parish priest (pastor) is on vacation with his sisters. I am more aware of the day-to-day existence of some of the people. A young man came to get assistance for transportation to the Copperbelt. He had come to Lusaka to see his grandmother and get help for school fees. He did not finish grade ten because he was unable to pay the fees. He wanted to beat the rainy season home, because he was concerned that his lodging was not waterproof and that his textbooks might be damaged. He clearly wanted to finish his education so he would not land up on the streets. Wisely, the parish has an active St. Vincent DePaul Society that provides assistance. The young man will have to return to speak to them, but hopefully, they will be able to help.

Being the new or least-experienced person on the block presents opportunities. I am working on a number of mini-retreat days. I will help with the “Come & See” day for young men interested in the Jesuits. They are expecting a dozen men to attend. Fortunately, I know that the candidates are most interested in meeting and hearing from the 16 novices. It will be a good opportunity to meet them. I will give a half-day retreat to CLC members who are making their commitment to Ignatian spirituality, and that will be a chance to see the impact of the CLC in Zambia. Then the eight day retreat for about eight Jesuits which will be at the Novitiate and the last project is a two day conference sponsored by the Ignatian Spirituality Center on spiritual leadership. I met with the Josephine Shamwana Lunga today to talk about the conference and we will collaborate on the talks and the workshop. She has twenty six years as an active member of CLC and has headed the Zambian Council of the Laity. Once again, these are great opportunities. Keep them in your prayers.
I took the picture during the skit performed at the children's liturgy. Those in white are the king and two angels with the sheep and the goats in the background.

Zambia Stamps and Flowers

Home Mass and Tombstone Unveiling

It is Sunday morning in Zambia and people are just leaving from the 7:00 am Mass. Today, I will have an opportunity to be with the deacon for the children’s Mass. The children gather in the Church hall for a special liturgy of the Word and Mass. Yesterday we heard first confessions and there were over fifty preparing for their first communion on December 2.

The picture is from a tombstone unveiling at Leopards Hill Cemetery. The family honored their mother, grandmother and great grandmother who died at 86 in 2006. We began with a home Mass and then went to the cemetery. The music group for the 8:15 am vernacular Mass added beautiful music to the liturgy. They use drums, shakers and other percussion instruments. Once again, it was a powerful experience of the hospitality and the warmth of the people. Family and friendship are key elements of the culture. The group featured in the picture are from the music group.

Yesterday we had our first strong rain. It came with lightning and thunder and a full downpour. It lasted less than an hour but left the air clean and fresh. The rain landing on the soil creates a unique and beautiful odor. Things begin greening and the rain is important for the beginning of the planting season.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Zambia has three daily newspapers; however two are closely associated with the government and the ruling political party. The international coverage is refreshing as it can be broader than what we receive in the United States. The papers often feature headlines that are clearly designed to catch your attention. I thought that I would share a few of them with you.

Snake exposes adulterous couple
Tortise sender says sorry
Girl Guides body calls for castration of defilers
Woman beats husband to death at beer party

While we may find this unique and senasation, I think that they draw from the tradition of the British tabloids. I would caution that the headlines do not define Africa or its sophistication. The Church receives greater attention than what we see in the West. The same papers covered a talk that the Archbishop gave “democracy won’t grow without principles. The Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection publishes a monthly basic food basket index that is very helpful. And one cannot challenge awareness with the headline, “Namwala DC bemoans farmer’s ignorance about climate change.” I think that Zambia may be more on target than some in the United States.

100th Anniversary of the Birth of Father Arrupe

Jesuits throughout the world are remembering the 100th anniversary of Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ, the 28th superior general of the Jesuits who died in 1991. Father Arrupe is considered to be one of the most influential Jesuits in the history of the Society. As General, he led the Society through the renewal that followed Vatican II.

He is held in highest esteem by Jesuits for his courage, his leadership and his vision. The Jesuit community at Seattle University bears his name, Arrupe Jesuit Community, and the classroom wing at Jesuit High is named after him as well.

It was a gift to be with the Jesuits of Lusaka as they remembered him. Last night we gathered and told stories of meeting him and the ways that he touched our lives. The missionary Jesuits had recollections of his visits to Zambia and the vision he had that established the African Assistancy, created the Zambia/Malawi province, and founded the Jesuit Refugee Service. He was a man of very deep spirituality and he had a passionate love of God and the service of God’s people.

He was a personal witness of Hiroshima and that event touched him deeply. He brought the Jesuits into the modern age with the emphasis on faith and justice, the purpose of Jesuit education being “persons for others,” and helped us rediscover our Ignatian roots.

In addition to all these qualities he was a man who truly loved the Society of Jesus and his companions. Many stories told of his humor and the ways that he could set people at ease with his personal charism. We commented on how fortunate we were to have him as General and then to have Father Kolvenbach succeed him. Join us as we pray for the wisdom in the selection of the 30th superior general during the coming congregation that will meet in January in Rome.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Odds and End Reflections

The internet was down for the past few days and it freed me from the technological attachments.
Zambia is quickly becoming technologically savvy. Cell phones are ever-present and used and have provided a means of close communication. As in America, people need to be reminded to turn off their phones when they enter the Church. The community is wired for broad-band and that allows people to access the computer at all times.

I am very impressed with the music that I hear at Mass and in the neighborhood. I mentioned that there are choirs for three of the Masses. I said the 11:30 am Mass and it draws a younger crowd. The music was lively and upbeat. The Church is filled with a very joyful sound that blends English hymns and liturgical songs with Zambian songs. Many of the songs come from the American gospel tradition but they are given added flourishes with drums and special arrangements. The 10:00 am choir is cutting a CD and it should be ready by Christmas. The children’s choir meets on Saturdays to practice for their holiday presentation, so if I miss the commercial Christmas preparation, I do get to hear familiar songs from time to time.

Because we are within the Church compound, many groups use the church hall for gatherings. These gatherings feature music that is amplified through speaker systems, so we are able to share in the celebrations. Last Saturday there were fireworks in the city as a part of some local celebration. So, even when the sun goes down, life continues.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Some First Experiences

I experienced some firsts this past week and they had enough newness to make them interesting.
I heard my first confessions and shortcomings and sins are the same world-wide. People are well-prepared for the sacrament. Later that same day, I had the opportunity to bless a man’s new car.

I presided and preached at a funeral of a parishioner on Friday. The man died in his mid 50’s from diabetes and was an electrical engineer. He and his wife were active in Marriage Encounter and that community was evident as the supporters of the wife and family. Their dress identified them and they sat together as a group. Following the dismissal, the casket is taken to the rear of the Church for viewing and then the family and friends take the body to the cemetery. The small Christian communities provide the burial service.

Father Bert Otten, SJ came to visit last week. I lived with Bert at SU until his retirement from the Engineering faculty and his move to Zambia. He is working on appropriate technology projects in Chikuni, which is the Jesuit center south of Lusaka. He was in Lusaka to gather equipment that could be used to ventilate and cool a bush computer classroom.

Jesuits world-wide are preparing for the 35th General Congregation in Rome this January. The community gathered last week to discuss some of the topics that will be discussed in Rome. This community is unique in that both Zambia/Malawi province delegates live in this community (the Provincial and the Formation Assistant). There were over a dozen participating in the discussion and the conversation covered familiar concerns. There will be additional meetings in the next six weeks.

Another first was a foray to the local shopping mall. I believe that there are very few familiar items that one could not get in Zambia. The stores are modern and well-equipped and many folks were shopping. As in the US, these are not the places that the poor shop; but they are well frequented by the middle-class. Starbucks, McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken have not established themselves in Zambia; however Subway is here. I joined the pastor for coffee at a shop owned by a parishioner that was superior to most in Seattle.


This is a picture of a Flamboyant Tree that I view from my room. I face toward the parish parking lot. On the other side of the residence is a yard and garden. I haven't done much exploring yet, but hope to do so in the next day or so.

The parish has a large complex which includes the Church, the parish offices, some staff residences and a hall. We are one of the few places that does not have a full-time security guard, but that is due to the quality of the staff that work for the chuch and the community.

I had the opportunity to say the 1730 Sunday Mass. I am very impressed with the activity of the parish. Six Masses on the weekend, four with their own choirs, one Mass in Bemba, and a children's service twice a month. And then to top it they also had two weddings and a funeral. All of the Masses are nearly packed, the music is remarkable (separate choirs) and people participate and are very active in the parish life.

Did some shopping today with one of the scholastics. We got most of the items at two large supermarkets that resemble QFC or one of the major chains in the US. We did the fruit and vegetable shopping: melons, oranges, papayas, pineapples, kiwi, cabbage, and the like. The only thing that made it different than a trip to the Broadway Market were the greens, which we picked up at a local market.

We had the first rain today, so it has cooled off a little. I am adjusting to the metric system, so the degrees get translated, the miles become meters, and even the kawache (money system) has to be converted. It is part of the challenge.

It would be difficult to imagine a warmer welcome (person in addition to heat). I really enjoy the Jesuits and I am looking forward to meeting others. I have got myself on Skype and that makes it very convenient for the telephone calls. Ten hour difference nows from Zambia to Seattle. Prayers are with you all.

Friday, November 2, 2007

First Impressions

Day one in Zambia has come and gone, most of it in recovery from the flights, which were long and uneventful. And fortunately, my luggage arrived with me, so I am now settled and nested at St. Ignatius parish in Lusaka. Jim McGloin, SJ met me on arrival and another Slovenian Jesuit who was on the same flight. We stopped by the novitiate on the way to St. Ignatius and I was able to see Joe Danel, SJ and Peter Titland, SJ. I will return to the novitiate for the province retreat in December.

The welcome at the parish could not be more hospitable. I am settled in my room on the second floor of the residence, which adjoins the Church. The room is comfortable and clean and has all that I need, including good screens on the windows. There are about six or seven living in the community with some coming and going all the time. I know that I will learn from these men, for they have years of experience in Zambia and fortunately several are native Zambians.

I attended two Masses in the parish. They have two daily Masses (6:30 am and 5:30 pm) and they get a good crowd with spirited singing. I will test the water this coming Sunday at the 5:30 pm evening Mass. They celebrate six Masses on the weekend. I am impressed with the lay participation and the sense of joy that I experienced in the celebration. The morning Masses have many religious women, as many of the religious view St. Ignatius as a home parish.

I will help out in the parish as needed and also become involved with the work of the Ignatian Spirituality Center. The Center is starting the Spritual Exercises in Everyday Life this coming Sunday, so I may have an opportunity to observe. I realize that the quality time will be in being and not so much in the doing. I am yet to be connected with my own computer, but once I am, I should have Skype and some of the other contact opportunities.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Getting Ready

I am looking forward to the new experience in Zambia. The Zambia reality will be so different from the Seattle reality. I am going from a country that has very high livability to a country that is among fifteen countries at the bottom of the livability rankings. I know that I am going to be given more than I can ever hope to give. I want the grace to be open to the experience and to learn and allow it to touch my life.

I will have access to the internet while I am in Lusaka, so you can reach me there. I will be updating the log from the parish. I am also on Skype which allows for inexpensive communication from the computer to computer or even to land or mobile lines.

I am arriving at the beginning of the wet season which will bring new growth, some muggy days, bugs and the need for afternoon umbrellas. I have been watching the weather and it has been in the mid 80's for the last weeks. I was told that I did not need to bring warm clothing, but it would be good to have an umbrella.

On Tuesday afternoon, I will board British Air for the Seattle - Heathrow leg. I have a six hour lay over at Heathrow and then fly direct to Lusaka arriving on Thursday morning. Start to finish it will be a trip through nine time zones and take about twenty four hours with the lay-over.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Aids in Zambia

In four decades of independence, Zambia has found peace but not prosperity. Today it is one of the poorest and least developed nations on earth. Around two-thirds of the population lives on less than a dollar a day. Zambia's problems have since the mid 1980s been compounded by one of the world's most devastating HIV and AIDS epidemics.

The statistics alone are shocking:

  • one in every six adults is living with HIV
  • 98,000 people died of AIDS in 2005
  • life expectancy at birth has fallen below 40 years
  • 710,000 children are AIDS orphans.

HIV has spread throughout Zambia and to all parts of society. However, some groups are especially vulnerable - most notably young women and girls. AIDS has worst hit those in their most productive years, and, as families have disintegrated, thousands have been left destitute.

From my earlier visit to Africa, I came to realize that Aids is a 100% disease, meaning that it touches the lives of all in Africa.


Folks have asked what will you be doing in Zambia? In discussing the sabbatical, Jim McGloin, SJ, the socius and former Gonzaga classmate, suggested a number of things. I will be saying Mass in the parish, helping direct the Province retreat in December, and helping in the planning process for an Ignatian spirituality center.
The picture is of St. Ignatius church where I will be living. In addition to the pastor and assistant pastor there are five other Jesuits listed in the catalog. The Provincial lives in this community as does the Formation Assistant. Others include chaplains and the chair of the philosophy department at the University of Zambia. The church is located near the center of Lusaka. I visited the church with Janet Quillian when we were visiting SU students last February.