Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I spotted the owl perched in one of the trees in our back garden. The owl was quite content to sit in the branches and to take in the world. The Zambians are not fond of the owls, primarily because they are nocturnal and are not easily seen.

One of the interesting things is how cultures view things in different ways. I mentioned that some Zambians eat things that Westerners find off-putting (caterpillars and fried termites) and they find the Western attraction to shellfish to be very strange (crabs, shrimps, crayfish and clams).

1 comment:

Pam Krumm said...

Fr. Harris, Blessings to you and your wonderful work. Why is it so easy to forget how easy we have it here? I have always loved the barn owl. I have to admit I have often wondered whoever first looked at a crab and thought to themselves that it would be a good idea to try to eat it.
I have had you on my mind lately. I send you love and wishes for a safe return. Pam Krumm