Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday Thoughts

We have three Masses today with the distribution of the ashes. Much like the US, this is an important celebration for Catholics and the morning Mass community tripled and I am told that the evening Mass will pack the Church. The laws of fast and abstinence are not stressed in Zambia, partly because meat is not that available and you do not ask people to fast who are already hungry.

People follow the US elections with interest. Most people are more familiar with the democrats than the republicans. Zambia politics are fascinating with multiple parties who form alliances to create an opposition. The current president's wife is considering running in the next election. The newspapers are filled with charges and counter-charges and it is quite lively. However, many of the politicans are not that close to their constituencies and serve personal interests. That charge could be leveled almost anywhere.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit my friend, Josephine's school. She has taken a school that was on the brink of closure and is bringing it back with discipline, vision and results. The school is a private school and is located next to the property for the new US embassy. We visited a number of classrooms and saw the boarding facilities (70% are boarders). It was impressive.

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