The pictures highlight that Chukuni mission is in a rural area of the Southern Province. The Zambians are close to the land and I was told that the Tonga people have always been good farmers. Father Moreau, SJ, the founding missionary taught the Tonga to use their cattle for plowing and domestic work. The upper picture shows various land plots farmed on the Mission. The middle picture is of a woman using an ox cart. The lower picture is some thatched dwellings on the way back to the main road. The farming people in Zambia are like farmers world-wide, watching the weather and often finding it too wet or too dry, or too hot or too cold. Some fields were thriving while others need a spell of dryness. On the return trip to Lusaka we saw many people (primarily women) weeding their fields. The sweet potatoes and the pumpkins were planted and seemed to be thriving.
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