Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home Mass and Tombstone Unveiling

It is Sunday morning in Zambia and people are just leaving from the 7:00 am Mass. Today, I will have an opportunity to be with the deacon for the children’s Mass. The children gather in the Church hall for a special liturgy of the Word and Mass. Yesterday we heard first confessions and there were over fifty preparing for their first communion on December 2.

The picture is from a tombstone unveiling at Leopards Hill Cemetery. The family honored their mother, grandmother and great grandmother who died at 86 in 2006. We began with a home Mass and then went to the cemetery. The music group for the 8:15 am vernacular Mass added beautiful music to the liturgy. They use drums, shakers and other percussion instruments. Once again, it was a powerful experience of the hospitality and the warmth of the people. Family and friendship are key elements of the culture. The group featured in the picture are from the music group.

Yesterday we had our first strong rain. It came with lightning and thunder and a full downpour. It lasted less than an hour but left the air clean and fresh. The rain landing on the soil creates a unique and beautiful odor. Things begin greening and the rain is important for the beginning of the planting season.

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